RESEARCH Nanoscience is currently the most significant knowledge frontier being actively pursued. Whitin its foreseen Nanotechnology applications rests the promise of next industrial revolution.

News & Events

Professor Maria Helena Godinho Featured in…
Professor Maria Helena Godinho, researcher at CENIMAT|i3N, has been recognized in the book “Mulheres na Ciência”, launched…
South Korean Researchers Visit CENIMAT|i3N
On March 7th, CENIMAT had the honor of welcoming a delegation of two renowned researchers from South Korea, Professor Yong-…
CENIMAT|i3N and Macau University of Science…
On 5 March, CENIMAT|i3N hosted a delegation from the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) and the Macao…
Happy Women's Day
Today we celebrate all the incredible women of CENIMAT|i3N — Professors, Researchers, Staff, Students and Fellows — whose…
2nd NANOMAT-Talks | Mar. 7th, 09h30 |…
The second NANOMAT-Talks seminar happens tomorrow, March 7, at 09:30, at the CENIMAT | i3N Amphitheater. We will welcome two…
CIGS solar cells: i3N Aveiro studies…
A study led by researchers from i3N Aveiro has demonstrated the potential of CIGS-based solar cells for space applications.…
Professor Rodrigo Martins Appointed to the…
Professor Rodrigo Martins has been appointed as a member of the Expert Advisory Board (EAB) of the European University for…
Kicking off | NANOMAT Talks
NANOMAT is launching a new initiative: NANOMAT-Talks. Throughout this seminar series, the CENIMAT|i3N Amphitheater will…
Job Opportunities
Assistant Researcher in the scientific area of Physics
An international public competition is opened, for the recruitment of 1 (one) position as Assistant Researcher in the scientific area of Physics, under an indefinite employment contract. Application Deadline: April 10th, 2025. Click to find out more.

This site was funded by National Funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., projects UIDB/50025/2020-2023, UIDP/50025/2020-2023, LA/0037/2020.