News & Events

News 2025-02-18
Turkish Ambassador Haldun Koç Visits CENIMAT|i3N
On February 14, CENIMAT|i3N had the honor of welcoming Turkish Ambassador Haldun Koç. The visit began with a meeting between Professor José Júlio Alferes, Director of NOVA FCT, Professor Rodrigo Martins, Coordinator of i3N, and Professor Elvira Fortunato, Vice-Coordinator of i3N.
News 2025-02-14
Celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
This year, Professor Maria Helena Godinho was featured on the EUTOPIA platform, recognizing her dedication to research in Soft Matter.
“Being a woman in science means dedicating life to research with passion while balancing family and career. It’s filled with challenges and hard work but brings rewards through collaborations and friendships while breaking barriers, inspiring change, and shaping the future through innovation.” – Maria Helena Godinho.
News 2025-02-11
Professor Elvira Fortunato on Female Leadership in STEM -  Live
To celebrate the International Day of Girls and Women in Science, Professor Elvira Fortunato will be present at the event ‘How to Improve the Presence of Girls and Women in STEM in Portugal?’, on the panel ‘Female Leadership in STEM’.

This initiative organised by the STEM Women Congress, in partnership with APDC, will also present the results of a report, produced in 2024, mapping the initiatives underway to promote gender equality in STEM areas.
News 2025-01-30
Dorina Papanastasiou Wins YERUN Research Mobility Award
Dorina Papanastasiou, researcher at CENIMAT|i3N, has been selected as one of the winners of the YERUN Research Mobility Awards 2024/2025.
Her awarded project, in collaboration with Dr. Muhammad Shafique from Brunel University London, aims to combine printed electronics and life cycle assessment (LCA) in a pioneering study to evaluate the performance and environmental impact of sustainable printed heaters – the SPhED (Sustainable Printed Heaters Evaluation and Development) project.
News 2025-01-29
Professor Rodrigo Martins elected Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona
Professor Rodrigo Martins has been elected Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona, an association of leading figures in science and its applications founded in 1764.
This recognition reflects his contributions to science and innovation.
Congratulations, Professor Rodrigo Martins.
News 2025-01-28
Catarina Bianchi, Researcher at CENIMAT|i3N, shines on Masterchef Portugal
Catarina Bianchi, researcher at CENIMAT|i3N, is taking on a new challenge outside the lab!

Catarina is a contestant in the latest season of Masterchef Portugal.

You can follow her journey on Instagram at @cooking_with_cuca and watch the show Masterchef Portugal, airing Saturday nights on RTP1 and RTP Play.

📷 RTP1 | Masterchef Portugal
News 2025-01-24
Manuel Mendes
The Aggregation Exams of Professor Manuel João Mendes took place today at the Building IV of NOVA School of Science and Technology.
Professor Rodrigo Martins, Professor Elvira Fortunato and Professor João Paulo Borges were part of the jury.
CENIMAT|i3N congratulates Professor Manuel João Mendes on this outstanding academic achievement and extends thanks to all who contributed to this important milestone.