RESEARCH Nanoscience is currently the most significant knowledge frontier being actively pursued. Whitin its foreseen Nanotechnology applications rests the promise of next industrial revolution.

News & Events

Professor Rodrigo Martins elected…
Professor Rodrigo Martins has been elected Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona, an…
Catarina Bianchi, Researcher at CENIMAT|i3N…
Catarina Bianchi, researcher at CENIMAT|i3N, is taking on a new challenge outside the lab! Catarina is a contestant in…
Professor Manuel João Mendes Successfully…
The Aggregation Exams of Professor Manuel João Mendes took place today at the Building IV of NOVA School of Science and…
Professor Elvira Fortunato and Professor…
Professor Elvira Fortunato and Professor Rodrigo Martins are leading, on the European side, the Sino-European Flexible…
Professor Manuel Mendes was recently…
This ambitious initiative, funded by a €2 million ERC Consolidator Grant, aims to revolutionize solar energy harvesting. By…
A Heartfelt Christmas: CENIMAT Supports FACIT
🎄 A Heartfelt Christmas: CENIMAT Supports FACIT This year, we decided to do something a little different for Christmas…
Professor Elvira Fortunato present in the…
Click here to watch! Professor Elvira Fortunato was invited to participate in the Forbes Portugal Annual Summit 2024 «…
MEON Seminar | Next-Gen Solar-Powered CO2-to…
We’re thrilled to announce our last MEON Seminar of the year titled: "Next-Gen Solar-Powered CO2-to-Fuel Conversion…
Job Opportunities
Open Postdoctoral Fellowship in Silicon Photovoltaics at CENIMAT|i3N-UNINOVA
Open Postdoctoral Fellowship in Silicon Photovoltaics at CENIMAT|i3N-UNINOVA
Your mission? Innovate in material growth via PECVD, develop thin c-Si absorber silicon solar cells and photonic structuring for light trapping, guided by advanced characterization techniques and assisted by optoelectronic modelling. Collaborate in a international environment with researchers from across Europe through this EU-funded project. 📅 Application Deadline: March 7, 2025 📩 Apply now by sending your application to & 🔗 More details here: htt...

This site was funded by National Funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., projects UIDB/50025/2020-2023, UIDP/50025/2020-2023, LA/0037/2020.