Team led by Pedro Barquinha designed (Angelo Santos) and made (Ana Santa) an innovative active matrix, based on thin film transistors (TFTs) of semiconductor oxides. Assuring a pixel density of 1270 PPI, it stands well above the state of the art active matrixes present in the latest smartphones (500-600 PPI), something critical to ensure high resolution content for augmented reality (AR).
The manufacturing process does not exceed 180 ° C, being totally compatible with flexible substrates, something unique for circuits with this level of integration.
The low processing temperatures and the small size of each pixel (<20 μm) pose enormous design and manufacturing challenges, which have been exceeded in the scope of the ORABAC project in partnership with Lusospace.
It is therefore an important step for a new generation of transparent and flexible AR dials.ração de mostradores de AR transparentes e flexíveis.