News & Events

News 2019-04-24
Elvira Fortunato, vice-reitora da Universidade Nova de Lisboa e diretora do CENIMAT, não tem dúvidas: existem grandes vantagens em substituir plástico por papel.
Events 2019-04-23
On April 11, i3N received a visit from the FCT-MCTES Evaluation Panel of Engineering Sciences and Technologies - Materials Science and Engineering and Nanotechnology as part of the ongoing evaluation of the research units.
Events 2019-04-12
The fascination of discoveries – tales from two countries - Lisbon 2nd-3rd of May
Events 2019-04-12
MATERIAIS 2019 - XIX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais and X International Symposium on Materials
News 2019-04-05
Prof. Elvira Fortunato has been asked by the office of the Prime Minister to speak about the importance of the High Level Group of EU where she is Chief Science Advisor as well as about the excellent work done by i3N in particular with the 6 ERCs already granted.
Events 2019-03-29
Symposia themes will include Electronic and Optical Materials, Energy and Environmental Materials, Biomaterials, and Advanced Functional and Structured Materials, spanning scales from nano to macro and hard materials to polymers.
News 2019-03-28
Professor Elvira Fortunato, vice-rector of NOVA, lecturer and researcher, at FCT NOVA, leads the Portuguese team.