SYNERGY - opportunities for secondments (2023)

SYNERGY - opportunities for secondments (2023)
SYNERGY - opportunities for secondments (2023)

In the frame of the SYNERGY project (H2020-WIDESPREAD-2020-5, GA.952169), several opportunities for secondments are being promoted in four renowned European Research Institutes (Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme IKTS, POLITO - Politecnico di Torino, Tyndall National Institute - University College Cork, and VTT-Technical Research Centre of Finland). The following themes are directed to Master Students, PhD Students and post-doc in Materials Sciences and Engineering, Micro- and Nanotechnologies, Energy Systems and Energy Power Control from the PT-Cluster (CEMOP-UNINOVA and associated lab I3N).


FhG-IKTS (Dresden, Germany) Responsible: Dr. André Clausner

Proposed themes:

- Nano-analysis of faceted bilayer crystals for solar fuel production

- Fibres-based energy harvesters

- Mechanical stress effects on thin films and thin-films based circuits

- Material models for thin films under mechanical stress


POLITO (Torino, Italy) Responsible: Profª. Drª. Silvia Bodoardo

Proposed themes:

- Electrochemical characterization of electrode materials for energy storage

- Sensors for battery monitoring (temperature, humidity, volumetric expansion, etc)


Tyndall (Cork, Ireland) Responsible: Prof. Dr. Ian Povey

Proposed themes:

- Atomic layer deposition of thin film electrodes for flexible electronics

- Multilayer oxide semiconductor stacks for high-mobility flexible oxide transistors

- Energy management, energy scavenging from GHz radiation


VTT (Helsinki, Finland) Responsible: Drª. Maria Smolander

Proposed themes:

- Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials for energy storage devices

- Fibre-based electronic and electrochemical systems

- Printed supercapacitors on paper and fabric

- Reverse offset printing of oxide transistors and memristors


The students and researchers that aim to be involved should submit a proposal addressed to the project coordinator, Professor Doutor Rodrigo Martins.

The submission should include:

1. One page motivation letter which should highlight the role and complementarity of these topics with their work.

2. One-page short CV.

3. List of relevant publications (if applicable).

4. Recommendation letters (optional).

Other information considered by the candidates as relevant may also be attached.

Deadline and submission: The call is open from 30-Jan-2023 to 10-Feb-2023. The applications must be sent by email to