Professor Isabel Ferreira from the Department of Materials Science at FCT NOVA recovers funding through the European Research Council (ERC). The "ERC Proof of Concept" Grant allows the Researcher to have access to 150,000 euros over a period of 18 months to develop a new generation of aluminum and paper batteries under the "CAPSEL - Cellulose Aluminum Polymer multi-ion composite Solid- electrolyte ". Efficient batteries today rely heavily on liquid electrolytes (substances that can produce electrically conductive solutions) and lithium. Isabel Ferreira and her colleagues developed a new solid electrolyte that could efficiently replace liquid electrolytes. Contains cellulose, aluminum and selected ions and is made simply and economically. These materials are more abundant in nature than lithium, are harmless to the environment and can be recycled through conventional processes. In this way, according to Prof. Dr. Isabel Ferreira, the low-cost batteries developed with the new electrolyte would be accessible to developing countries and less affluent communities, and would have a positive environmental impact. In addition, they would allow for a longer service life and a reduction in weight and size compared to the current lithium-based batteries. "ERC Proof of Concept" grants are only available to researchers who have already obtained an ERC scholarship as happened with Isabel Ferreira in 2015. This new funding will cover the activities developed in the initial phase of transforming research results into a commercial or socially valuable proposal , That is, in the initial stages of precompetitive development.
The achievement of this funding confirms once again FCT NOVA's commitment to research and the quality of its teams.
In the press:
"Quatro portugueses distinguidos por Bruxelas recebem 150 mil euros" (Sábado)
"Quatro investigadores portugueses vão receber 150 mil euros de Bruxelas" (Sapo online)