RESEARCH Nanoscience is currently the most significant knowledge frontier being actively pursued. Whitin its foreseen Nanotechnology applications rests the promise of next industrial revolution.

News & Events

NANOMAT-Talks #3 | The Future of Space in…
🚀 NANOMAT-Talks #3 | The Future of Space in Portugal We are excited to announce the 3rd NANOMAT-Talks, featuring Ricardo…
Professor Elvira Fortunato present at the…
Professor Elvira Fortunato was part of the panel on "The Future Products of the Forest" at the Navigator Expresso…
Dr. Emanuel Carlos has been awarded a…
We are excited to announce that Dr. Emanuel Carlos has won a project under the Pessoa Programme, in collaboration with Prof…
Lançamento do livro “Elvira Fortunato – Uma…
Lançamento do livro "Elvira Fortunato, uma vida de paixão pela ciência", da autoria de Virgílio Azevedo, editado…
Professor Maria Helena Godinho Featured in…
Professor Maria Helena Godinho, researcher at CENIMAT|i3N, has been recognized in the book “Mulheres na Ciência”, launched…
South Korean Researchers Visit CENIMAT|i3N
On March 7th, CENIMAT had the honor of welcoming a delegation of two renowned researchers from South Korea, Professor Yong-…
CENIMAT|i3N and Macau University of Science…
On 5 March, CENIMAT|i3N hosted a delegation from the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) and the Macao…
Happy Women's Day
Today we celebrate all the incredible women of CENIMAT|i3N — Professors, Researchers, Staff, Students and Fellows — whose…
Job Opportunities
Assistant Researcher in the scientific area of Physics
An international public competition is opened, for the recruitment of 1 (one) position as Assistant Researcher in the scientific area of Physics, under an indefinite employment contract. Application Deadline: April 10th, 2025. Click to find out more.

This site was funded by National Funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., projects UIDB/50025/2020-2023, UIDP/50025/2020-2023, LA/0037/2020.