Research Groups

Research Groups

To reach the defined objectives, R&D i3N activities will be developed in a matrix-like structure that will cross horizontal Research Groups with vertical Thematic Lines defined in conjunction between the External Consulting Board and the Institute as strategic at both national and European levels. Each R&D project will be connected to a Thematic Line and resources from one or more Research Group will be pooled together to maximise the performance of the research and the impact of the project. i3N is organized in four Thematic Lines, each one under the coordination of a highly expert researcher and six Research Groups (RG) coming from the 2 Research Units (RU), each one with a leader, with the following structure:

Materials for Electronics, Optoelectronics and Nanotechnologies

The Advanced Functional Materials for Micro and Nanotechnologies group (AFMMN) was renamed in 2023 to Materials for Electronics, Optoelectronics and Nanotechnologies (MEON) for coherence with the organisation of sections within the Materials Science Department, NOVA FCT. As April 2024, it is
composed of 11 professors, 4 permanent doctoral researchers, 19 non-permanent doctoral researchers, 27 Ph.D students, 21 MSc fellowship researchers, 5 BSc fellowship researchers & 8 technologists, besides 10-15 MSc students/year.
MEON group pursues activity within the four thematic lines of i3N, having as pillars the responsible electronics directives from EU, working in applied research with economically and environmentally sustainable nanomaterials (TL3) & processes (TL1), with activity ranging from material design to system-level integration (TL1, 2, 4). The group has pioneering work in transparent and paper
electronics (TL1), exploring materials away from Silicon. In the last years it also expanded its activity to low-cost biosensing applications (TL4).
MEON is structured in three research areas (RA): RA#1 -Flexible and sustainable electronics; RA#2 (TL1 to 4)- Energy harvesting, conversion and storage (TL2,3); RA#3 - Bioelectronic and biomedical devices (TL4). These are transversally supported by three Satellite RA (SRA): SRA#1 - Nanomaterials synthesis/ deposition; SRA#2 (TL3)- Micro/nanopatterning (TL1,2); SRA#3 - Advanced characterization.
To enable its activity, the group has been building through competitive funding a world-class infrastructure adapted to low-temperature electronics, including a clean room (ISO6+7) with nm-level tools (e.g., ALD, DLW, NIL), as well as material chemical synthesis and printing laboratories enabling sub-μm printed conductors. All this is complemented by a wide range of tools for electrical, optical, structural, chemical and morphological evaluation of materials and devices (e.g., STEM, SEM/FIB, XPS, environmentally dependent IV & CV...).

Nanophotonics and Optoelectronics

The Nanophotonics and Optoelectronics group research spans various fields through innovative approaches and interdisciplinary collaboration, aiming to address pressing challenges and unlock new frontiers in domains which include:
Modelling and simulation (TL1, TL3): nonlinear dissipative systems (mode-locked lasers and Kerr resonators) that possess dissipative optical solitons; passive & active elements of photonic integrated circuits (PICs).
Photonic Analogues (TL1): fabrication of optical analogues of topological insulators using our fs IR facilities.
Energy (TL2): novel optical fibre sensors (OFS) for battery management. We have been focused on lithium-ion batteries, but we intend to expand to developing hybrid sensors for next-gen batteries like sodium-ion & solid-state batteries.
Biomedical (TL3, TL 4): modelling/implementation of biosensors in PICs, especially the ones using SPR; sensors for the vital sign monitoring with invisibles; physical rehabilitation; physiological signal acquisition; lab-on-fibre/chip solutions for point-of-care monitoring; and biofunctionalization techniques for enhanced sensitivity and selectivity.
Environmental Monitoring and Analytical Chemistry (TL1, TL3): OFS for environmental and organic compound measurement, with hybrid interferometric configurations, functionalization and chromatography; and chemometrics. The latter to analyse formation conditions and behavior of crucial aroma metabolites, including sotolon, during the aging process of Madeira wine.
Structural Health Monitoring (TL1, TL3): OFS for structural health monitoring in critical infrastructure and heritage sites, demonstrating their efficacy and reliability. Industrial Processes (TL1): real-time monitoring based on optical deflectometry for surface paint faults, enhancing efficiency/reliability in quality control; smoke detector based on light scattering (both with Bosch). The work devoted to each TL is not the same for all the topics, with high intensity in TL2 and TL4 and medium intensity in TL1 and TL3.

Physics of Advanced Materials and Devices

The Physics of Advanced Materials and Devices group synthesises and analyses advanced materials spanning micro to nanostructures. We focus on understanding optical, electrical, and magnetic properties to drive innovation for novel prototype devices. Our goal is to develop customised solutions
across electronics, optoelectronics, photonics, energy, and biomedical fields. The work is organised according to the following topics:

1. Semiconductor Nanoparticles (TL1, TL3): Synthesis and doping for enhanced electronic and optical properties. Investigation of properties individually & in assemblies. Focus on deliberately doping wide band gap oxides and exploring low-dimensional nitride structures.

2. Organic and Hybrid Semiconductor-based LEDs (TL1, TL2): Exploration of organic and low-dimensional organic/inorganic hybrid perovskites. Broadening research scope in semiconductor-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

3. Photovoltaic Technologies (TL2, TL3): Research on thin film solar cells & hybrid silicon-nanoparticle/polymer solar cells. Development of enhanced materials and architectures for improved efficiency.

4. Ferroelectric Oxides, Multiferroics and Magnetic materials (TL1, TL3): Investigation for photovoltaic
and photocatalytic applications. Exploration of materials with colossal dielectric constants, perovskites, and spinel ferrites for energy storage.

5. Bioactive Glasses and Nanoceramics (TL3, TL4): Production employing various methods. Multifunctional properties such as antibacterial, antitumoral, osseointegration, etc. Application focus in orthopaedic and orthodontic implants, biocements, and cancer treatment.

6. Micro-Structured sensors (TL4): Tailored design for X-ray biomedical imaging. Serving roles in dosimetry, tomography, and as radiation detectors in high-energy settings.

7. Functional Nanocarbon Structures (TL1, TL3): Fabrication and refinement for various applications (energy, biomedical, electronic). Includes diamond, graphite, graphene, or their hybrids.

Soft and Biofunctional Materials Group

SBMG focuses its activities in the i3N thematic lines, namely on TL1, TL3 and TL4. SBMG research is focused on:

i) biomimetic cellulose-based materials with stimuli-responsive properties allowing the control and detection of chirality at the micro- and nanoscale (TL3). The group also performs research on fundamental properties of liquid crystals, their instabilities, and applications. Related to cellulose nanocrystals liquid crystal systems, the group is recognized internationally, and the work developed
opened a new field of research in this area dedicated to water/cellulose interactions and phase separation systems. The international community has recognized the work of the group: 2023 - "The Lars Onsager Professorship 2023 and Medal" by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway; 2019 - "Frederiks medal" (field of Liquid Crystals Chemistry).

ii) the development of hybrid bio(nano)materials for biomedical applications (TL3, TL4): multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles for cancer theranostics, controlled drug delivery systems, bio-batteries, and scaffolds for tissue regeneration.

iii) Rheometry and NMR spectroscopy as tools for the development of new materials for, e.g., grouts for consolidation of stone masonry buildings and biomedical applications (injectable hydrogel systems) (TL1, TL3, TL4). NMR spectroscopy played a pivotal role, not only elucidating the molecular interactions between cellulose-derived polymers and ionic liquids, thereby aiding in understanding solution behaviour, and facilitating the customization of solvent systems, but also enabling a comprehensive investigation of transport properties within the gels, providing insights to rationalise their conductivity. This technique was crucial for the development of ion gels derived from poly(ionic liquids) originating from natural polymers, resulting in the creation of a gel polymer electrolyte with remarkably high conductivity. A patent was granted (PT 110572 B).

Structural Materials

The SMRG operates at the intersection of various disciplines, focusing primarily on welding, AM, and the production of nanostructured materials encompassing metals, ceramics, and composites. This multidisciplinary approach is supported by advanced microstructure characterization techniques, coupled with modelling endeavours aimed at bridging the nano to macroscale behaviour, thus
establishing crucial properties/processing relationships. The materials of interest range from advanced metallic alloys to ceramics, and even extend to the preservation of cultural heritage assets.
Within the framework of TL1, the group distinguishes itself in the realm of modelling and simulation, harnessing multiscale, multiphysics simulations to forecast the effects of processing parameters on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties during welding and AM processes. Notably, the
group's focus on recycling aligns with TL1 objectives, evident in recent endeavours such as the utilisation of waste fibreglass for composite fabrication via novel AM processes, as well as initiatives dedicated to the recovery and reintegration of waste ceramic materials.
The group is also contributing to TL2 via the development of more environmentally friendly AM processes, while also taking into consideration critical raw material substitution via the development of AI-powered thermodynamic modelling efforts.
Moreover, the group's contributions to TL3 are noteworthy, particularly in pioneering the development of smart metallic materials, mainly shape memory alloys, and their adeptness in crafting functional graded metallic materials through various AM techniques. This proficiency facilitates the tailoring of site-specific properties in a controlled manner, positioning the SMRG as a frontrunner in arc-based processing of smart and functionally graded metallic materials. Thus, the group serves as a beacon within this research domain, advancing the frontier of materials science and engineering.

Theoretical and Computational Physics Group

The Theoretical and Computational Physics (TCP) group of the i3N comprises 12 PhD members, two of which are full professors, two associate professors, three lecturers, five researchers, four of which are senior. Four PhD students are currently developing their work in the group areas. The TCP group also includes several master students.

The group research aims at understanding and anticipating the physics of materials and devices through modelling and simulation. It also focuses on understanding complex systems with multiple interacting components.
In material modelling, the group addresses several topics that contribute to the i3N thematic lines:

-defect engineering in wide-gap semiconductors for power electronics and quantum technologies (TL3); electronic structure of semiconductor surfaces, and non-radiative losses in semiconductors for photovoltaics (TL2); novel transport phenomena and topological effects in 1D and 2D materials as well as in photonic crystals (TL3, TL1); numerical calculations of materials' thermodynamic properties and studies of phase transitions in equilibrium and non-equilibrium systems using Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics methods (TL3, TL2).

In complex systems research, the group primarily studies statistical mechanics within complex networks and random graphs. This includes analyzing the structural organization and architectures of complex networks, their functional dynamics, cooperative behaviors among different agents within networks, and
processes and spreading phenomena on these networks. The insights gained from theoretical and computational research on complex networks are applied to real-world network systems such as neural networks (including brain networks), cellular networks in molecular biology, information networks, transportation systems, and social networks.