Events 2019-03-29
Symposia themes will include Electronic and Optical Materials, Energy and Environmental Materials, Biomaterials, and Advanced Functional and Structured Materials, spanning scales from nano to macro and hard materials to polymers.
News 2019-03-28
Professor Elvira Fortunato, vice-rector of NOVA, lecturer and researcher, at FCT NOVA, leads the Portuguese team.
News 2019-03-06
Professora Doutora Elvira Fortunato
The Portuguese scientist is a world pioneer in paper electronics. Always negotiate the price of materials that buy for the laboratory and recover the guarantees.
News 2019-02-08
Professora Elvira Fortunato
Professor Elvira Fortunato, received today the LUX Award for "Personal Personalities" in the Business category.
News 2019-02-01
matriz activa
Team led by Pedro Barquinha designed (Angelo Santos) and made (Ana Santa) an innovative active matrix, based on thin film transistors (TFTs) of semiconductor oxides.
News 2019-01-24
Emanuel Carlos
The poster with the title “Ultrafast photonic curing of solution-based aluminium oxide for thin film transistors” by Emanuel Carlos, PhD student in CENIMAT won the Best Poster Award in the innoLAE (Innovations in Large-Area Electronics) in 22nd January of 2019 in Cambridge, United Kingdom.
News 2019-01-03
Rodrigo Martins, Full Professor of the Materials Department at FCT NOVA, was elected first vice-president of the International Union of Materials Research Society (IUMRS), the largest academic association in the world.