Beatriz Coelho, SPM 2017 Award, has just won the FEMS award for the best master thesis in Europe, awarded for the first time this year with the thesis "The Digital Microfluidics Platform for Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification of DNA". Master Beatriz Coelho is currently a PhD student in the Doctoral Program in Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences at CENIMAT.
The FEMS (Federation of European Materials Societies) has created a new European competition to distinguish the best master theses from all over Europe. The Prize is intended to recognize the best Master's thesis in Materials Science and Engineering presented at any academic institution in the country of any FEMS Member Society (more than 20 Countries).
The first edition was held in Budapest on 10 July, during the Junior EUROMAT event, and the award was awarded to Master Beatriz Coelho of the Integrated Masters in Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering with the thesis titled "The Digital Microfluidics Platform for Loop -Mediated Isothermal Amplification of DNA "guided by Professors Rui Igreja (Department of Materials Science) and Pedro Baptista (Department of Life Sciences).