South Korean Researchers Visit CENIMAT|i3N


On March 7th, CENIMAT had the honor of welcoming a delegation of two renowned researchers from South Korea, Professor Yong-Young Noh, representing POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology), and Dr. Hyun-Suk Kim, from  Dongguk University. The visit fostered scientific exchange and strengthened collaborations.

The delegation was introduced to CENIMAT | i3N by Professor Rodrigo Martins, followed by a tour of our state-of-the-art laboratories.

As part of their visit, the researchers participated in a special session of NANOMAT-Talks, where Professor Yong-Young Noh (POSTECH) and Dr. Hyun-Suk Kim (Dongguk University) presented their latest work on high-performance p-type semiconductors and polymer-based high-k dielectrics for transistor applications.


Photos: João Lima | NOVA FCT